Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I hate to diet.
Diets never work for me.
I can lose weight but never see to keep the weight off
Eating healthy is too expensive and takes too much time
Been there, done that...

Sound familiar? Sound negative? Healthy eating does not have to be a negative experience, it can actually be quite the opposite. It all depends on your attitude. If we go into something thinking it is not going to work, guess what? It won't work. Changing our attitude about food and diets can be the first step towards success.

Step 1

Stop thinking of it as a diet, start thinking of it as a way of life.

Step 2

Do not try to make changes that you cannot live with FOREVER! If you like your glass of wine or the occasional desert. Don't eliminate these items from your food plan. Am I telling you that you can eat desert whenever you want? NO. But I am trying to help you get away from the all or nothing mentality.

Step 3

Educate yourself. Learn as much about nutrition and health as you can from a reputable source. Try not to get sucked into the diet of the week! I tell my clients to put on blinders when they are at the grocery store and not look at all the magazine ads about quick weight loss.

Step 4

Become educated about your family health history. Diabetes? Heart Disease? Cancer, Obesity? Knowledge is powerful and motivating. History tends to repeat itself. Healthy changes that you make now, can pay off in the long run for you and your family.

Step 5

Take a moment and jot down what and who you are doing this for. What is motivating you? Losing weight for a class reunion or special event is motivating to some degree but taking charge of your health and diet so you physically feel better, have more energy and set a good example for your kids is even more motivating! Take the focus off the scale and try to concentrate on your physical well being. I guarantee, if you do this, the scale will follow. FYI - 1 pound a week for a year equals 52 pounds!
Step 6

Write down your goals and share them with someone! Seeing them on a piece of paper and having the accountability to someone else is powerful and may be just the boost that you need.

Step 7

Develop habits that you can live with for the long haul. Have this be the last time you do this. Make permanent changes that you can stick with for the rest of your life.


Feel free to contact me if you would like some help setting your goals

Noreen Gallo MSRD
603 598-0292

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