Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sports Nutrition - It makes a difference!!

Although the white stuff is flying outside right now, Spring is just around the corner. This is a time when many of us get the itch to be outside and moving! A time to re-focus on fitness and getting in shape. Finding the right combination of strength and cardio workouts is very important, but unless we make smart choices in the food department, it will be difficult to see the results we want! Without a doubt, what you eat and when you eat affects your athletic performance. A proper combination of carbohydrates, protein and fats can have a tremendous impact on how you feel during your workout. Next thursday I will be presenting a seminar focusing on sports nutrition at the Windham Pilates Studio. I will be covering such topics as pre and post workout meals and snacks, how to lose weight and maintain energy while keeping up with your exercise programs, fluid replacement and much more. Contact, the studio to sign up and feel free to contact me with any specific question you may have. I have seen many clients make huge strides in their athletic performance with some simple, basic changes in their food plan!!

Enjoy the snow - Noreen Gallo MSRD