Monday, December 6, 2010

Why Protein??

Often people will ask me why I put such an emphasis on protein when I talk about a healthy diet. Why can't we just worry about calories and leave it at that?? Although all nutrients are important protein has an interesting impact on our bodies. They keep us full and help to stabilize our blood sugar which in turn often helps to decrease cravings for sugars and refined carbohydrates.

What is protein? Proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids that serve as the building material for all of our bodies cells and tissues. They are important in the hormonal regulation of metabolism and help with antibodies that are important when fighting infection.

Where is protein in food? The two food groups that are the best source of protein are the meat and meat alternative group and the dairy group. Lean meats, fish, lowfat and non fat dairy, nuts, seeds, legumes (beans such as chick peas and garbanzo beans) peanut and other nut butters and some breads and cereals. Vegetables also provide small levels of protein.

A neat aspect of protein is that our bodies have to work harder (thus burn more calories) to break down protein so when we replace empty calories with protein calories we burn more calories.

I suggest trying to incorporate a protein into each meal or snack you have during the day. This can be as simple as spreading peanut butter on your apple or having a cheese stick with some whole grain crackers. This will help to regulate your blood sugar and keep you full until the next time you need to eat. I have clients who have lost a considerable amount of weight by making this one simple change in their diet. A nice side effect is that they did this with little or no hunger.

If you have additional questions regarding protein or need reccomendations on how much you need to consume daily, please feel free to contact me. I have included a delicious recipe for taco soup that someone gave me. It is high in both protein and fiber and best of all tastes DELICIOUS!

Taco Soup10 ounce canned yellow corn
28 ounce fat free chicken broth
15 ounce can black beans
8 ounce cannellini beans
29 ounce can diced tomatoes
2 cup water
15 1/2 ounce can of fat free refried beans
1/2 onion chopped
Saute onion in pan
combine refried beans, tomatoes and onion and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
Add remaining ingredients (do not drain beans or corn)
Bring to a boil and reduce heat to simmer. SImmer for 45 minutes

Enjoy! Noreen

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