Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dirty Fruits

I recently came across some information on regarding organic produce. I am not a huge follower of organic foods due to the simple fact that I have 4 boys and with the amount of food they consume, we would go broke if I bought all organic fruits, vegetables and meats. But I thought I would pass on this info regarding a few types of fruits that seem to be a bit "dirtier" if you may. It seems that peaches, bell peppers, celery, apples and strawberries are more likely to carry pesticides to your table. It is harder to clean off pesticides from soft skinned fruits and vegetables and consequently they are more likely to linger after you have washed them. The sticker on a piece of produce tells you if it was grown organically. Look for a 5-digit number beginning with 9. A 4 digit means the produce was conventionally grown. I hope all is going well with the sugar challenge. I have decided that it is a work in progress and the more aware we all become of the sugar content in food - the easier it is.

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